Case studies

Financial advice shaped by your ambitions

From entrepreneurs to individuals working across a wide range of sectors, our financial advisers are supporting people across the country with tailored pensions and retirement planning shaped by their ambitions.

Our case studies are based on genuine client stories and they bring to life the diversity of our services and financial advice. No two clients are the same and with retirement such a personal journey for everyone, it is more important than ever to find tailored solutions for all. In many cases, it is not about a single product solution, but rather the understanding of individual client circumstances and creating a combination of approaches to produce the best outcome.

Take a look at how our clients found solutions to their financial challenges whilst taking advice from our team or contact our advisers to find out more.

Retirement planning case study

Oliver has contacted our team for support in planning for his retirement and to review his pension. Oliver’s previous adviser had recently retired and the client had been selecting his own investments in the interim period. These investments were selected as high dividend yield stocks with a view to providing a stable level of high-quality dividends to generate their retirement income which was to be £60,000 net per annum. Two of these stocks had fallen 60% and another 75% since the date of purchase which was a concerning outcome for the client and that’s when Oliver sought our help to put a plan in place.

We worked through a financial plan together, considering multiple scenarios including the probability of downsizing in later life and that inheritance is due in the next few years.

We always review our clients’ circumstances on a joint basis with any partner or spouse, firstly because the probability of the plan being successful is more accurate when considering both parties, but also because we can better optimise the plan.

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Divorce related case study

Charlotte contacted our team during her divorce through a referral from an existing client of ours. At the time no settlement had been offered by her husband and she was concerned that her husband may make a claim for financial support from her. Her goal was to retire and maintain her independence and lifestyle in retirement.

Following an initial phone call and a digital fact-find and attitude to investment questionnaire, we held a strategy discussion having gained a thorough understanding of her financial circumstances including her tax position.

Our proposals were presented face-to-face at the second meeting in a detailed report in which we covered strengths and weaknesses, information on the plans we were recommending, details on the past performance of the investments suggested, and a detailed breakdown of the costs involved in implementing our proposal.

Charlotte chose to proceed with our advice and allow us to manage the investments in line with her financial plan which is reviewed on an ongoing basis by our team.

Tax planning case study

Jane was keen to mitigate the Inheritance Tax (IHT) liability due on her eventual demise without the need to make significant gifts of capital to her immediate family. Even though it was later made apparent that she would not need the capital, the act of making an unreversible gift filled Jane with some trepidation. Use of annual exemptions and the use of making gifts out of income were already being used.

In wishing to maintain the client’s ongoing income needs, a cashflow plan was used to demonstrate that this would be met regardless of the likely performance of the investment portfolio that she held. Furthermore, we showed that a significant investment into a tax efficient investment to which she retained access and control could be made without impacting on her standard of living even if she were to live beyond age 105!

Jane case study


Disclaimer: The above examples are based on real cases of advice however the names and exact circumstances have been amended to ensure client confidentiality. The case studies provide examples of the services we have offered to previous clients and may not be suitable for your circumstance. Please speak to one of our financial advisers for tailored guidance in any of these areas.

A safe pair of hands

We are proud to be an Associate Firm of the Professional Finance Society (PFS) and members of the Financial Vulnerability Charter. This aligns iPensions Wealth with the largest professional body for the financial planning sector and highlights our ongoing commitment to good safeguarding and advice practice.


We voluntarily demonstrate the adoption of the professional standards set by the Personal Finance Society enabling us to stand tall behind a culture that places clients and staff at its heart.

The Financial Vulnerability charter

The Financial Vulnerability charter promotes greater understanding, encourage appropriate behaviours, and establish good practice in respect of consumer vulnerability.

Contact us

Want to find out more about how iPensions Wealth could help you? Contact our team of experts today.